Return to Life, Rebirth

Take a step back, be still, observe life, re-inspect your choices, decisions, direction taken. Look with renewed eyes and see what you may have missed, mis-interpret or have an old thought or behaviour pattern that keeps on repeating, bringing the same result – no matter how hard you try.

SAISEI – A bridge to Return YOU (who you really are); to the Life that you deserve and desire. Yourself reborn.

I am Henk Du Toit.

I want to welcome you to SAISEI and my dream to help as many people possible to remember who we truly are. Why? To make a real difference in this life, together.

It is my privilege to be your guide on this website and if it is deemed so, to work with you to remember who you are to create your abundance and joy in this life.

As a Guide, Healer, and Teacher in the Lineage of King Salomon (certified by the Modern Mystery School), a Corporate professional, an Entrepreneur, a creative spirit and a person who loves adventure; it is my privilege to create, mould and extract value from life’s experiences. To Live Life Alive.

Over the past years I have dedicated myself to learn, study and experience the teachings of the Modern Mystery School. I want to know who I am. I want to understand the secret teachings that define this physical experience and the path beyond. This path in the Lineage of King Solomon has taught me so much and the joy of getting to know myself is beyond value.

Connect with me and let’s see what your journey holds. Discover the abundance that lies beyond and own the joy that you deserve.

The Modern Mystery School is an international organization that trains and certifies healing practitioners and teachers in the tradition of the lineage of King Salomon. As a certifying body, we educate Light workers in specialized spiritual healings and metaphysical teachings that are rooted in an ancient tradition of service, compassion and empowerment. We believe in the maxim of Know Thyself. To know yourself is to know others, to know the universe and to know God — by whichever name you choose to use.

A key to knowing yourself is to know your true purpose in life. To know your life’s purpose and live in alignment with it will create an experience of unprecedented joy and a new level of fulfillment in your life.

We are a mystery school that believes that all humans can be empowered to live in peace, joy, fulfillment, abundance, harmony with all, while being in accordance to their own unique purpose. We believe that life is meant to be lived, and realizing your own true potential is part of thriving as a spiritual and physical being.

The mission of the Modern Mystery School is World Peace: To create peace on this planet by uplifting the hearts and minds of humanity. The Modern Mystery School is in service to all of humanity to assist in the ascension of the human consciousness on this planet. This is a mission the school and its lineage holders have been working towards for over 3,000 years.

The Tomoe Symbol

The Tomoe symbol can roughly be translated as “comma”, the three tomoe’s (or mitsu-tomoe); 3 being a sacred number; referring to Heaven, Earth and Man.

It represents the life cycle which never ends, a constant moving forward of energy and regrowth.

As the Tomoe is in constant movement, constant flow and constant regrowth; so we flow the same in every part of our lives. We know that being stagnant in our lives results in “death”, that feeling of being stuck, we feel it in our bodies; it is as if all “flow” has stopped in our lives. We have to set our minds in motion, have the will to push through and every day grab on to the opportunities that present themselves.

The Enso Circle expresses the moment where the mind is free in order for the body to create.  A period where nothing and everything exists.  The circle represents the completeness or emptiness of the present moment.

Our minds are our greatest asset and greatest enemy.  We keep ourselves full of mind clutter resulting in a lot of busy-ness but no real results – constant movement with no progress.  In order to harness who we truly are and our true potential we need to become still, focussed and regain our passion for what we do.

We are the Leonardo da Vinci’s, Picasso’s and Beethoven‘s of this world.  Our creativity and ability to create is infinite – we just need to be still and focus.

Get In Touch


+27 83 442 6992